A Cardinal Water Sign - Fourth Sign of the Zodiac - Ruled by the Moon

JUNE 22nd – JULY 23rd


You may feel as if you’re living in two places at once until June. But from July onwards you will be off on a whole new creative track.

Back to basics. That’s this year’s priority. That doesn’t mean you can’t set off on a wild adventure but, whenever you do so, you need to have firm foundations to return to. At home, at work and in your most intimate affairs, take the opportunity to get to the bottom of problems which have been irritating you – or generally causing confusion. March is, by tradition, one of your busiest months, especially in domestic matters. Around the Full Moon on the 30th you may reach a point where you decide that enough is enough and make a fresh start in a whole series of activities.

Remember that the best path is to find a middle way and, therefore, that diplomacy and tact are always your best bet.

You can count on friendly planets improving your social position somewhat, but it’s up to you to accept them – or refuse. And your future happiness depends on that simple ability to choose.

Ultimately your romantic contentment relies on whether you want to concentrate on your career or public commitments – or on private passions and desires. Your need for emotional security grows steadily stronger and, as the months pass, you will be increasingly prepared to do whatever it takes to make relationships work rather than taking partners for granted. That’s very praiseworthy and bodes well for your future success.

Your energy hits a high in October, and you will be trying new solutions to old problems.

It’s so easy to lose track of what to do, when to do it – and even why! The stars’ top advice is to organise yourself, keep a pen and paper handy at all times write down your thoughts whenever you can, before they vanish like illusions in the night. It’s likely that you will be firmly set on a new course with fresh sources of income coming your way after July. You will be tempted into a speculative enterprise, but take care and always check – and double-check – all those promises of huge profits. Eventually the long-term pressure on your finances is building up to the point where you will have to take immediate action to seize control. And a good thing too!

One of your traditional tendencies is to adopt sudden enthusiasms but to abandon your latest interest when something more attractive grabs your attention. You should become more aware of this strain, especially as far as your domestic duties are concerned. Your family situation shows every indication of becoming more complex, while you may be growing more indecisive in the face of competing demands. Therefore, take a cautious line and put off important plans until preparations are complete, perhaps after April. And by the Autumn you will long for greater passion and deeper commitment from the people you live with.

Don’t take partners for granted in February and March.

Enjoy your ambitions – and work hard at your pleasures.