NOT sure whether an apprenticeship is right for you?

The National Apprenticeship Service has provided this Q and A. Among vacancies online in Warrington at the moment are dental nurses.

How do I get started?

The place to start your search is online and the National Apprenticeship Service hosts thousands of vacancies you can apply for today. Visit and follow the step-by-step guide available in the homepage to search for vacancies and apply online.

Which Apprenticeship?

If you are not sure what you want to do as an apprenticeship start by looking at your own skills and aspirations for your future and then go online to see which apprenticeships match your ambitions. Opportunities could be local or you may have to travel.

How can I afford to be an apprentice?

The great thing about an apprenticeship is you are paid a wage or salary by your employer and in many cases employers increase wages as their apprentice contributes more to the business. If you have to attend a local college as part of your apprenticeship this forms part of your working week and you won’t have to work extra hours to make up for the time in college.