MEMBERS of Crewe Clean Team filled more than 40 bags in just 90 minutes on Saturday.

A total of 13 team members met at Poole Alcock car park at 10am.

They litter-picked, swept and weeded their way a short way up Edleston Road.

More than 40 bags were filled, 10 with cans for recycling. Cigarette ends were removed from the pavement and personal ashtrays were handed out to shops.

“The private enforcement firm that will be handing out fixed penalty notices for littering in the near future could make a living from some of the smokers on this road alone,” said team chairman David McDonald.

“In 90 minutes, with the most basic of equipment, the volunteers could only scratch the surface.

“A modicum of effort from residents and retailers and a small amount of investment from the council can make a great difference to our surroundings.

“A chilling find was a train window hammer. I am reliably informed these are stolen to be used as weapons. We also found a knife that will be handed in to the police.

“Thank you to Becky and Claire at The Imp for the refreshments afterwards.”