THE German town of Bischofsheim, near Frankfurt, is celebrating after being twinned with Crewe and Nantwich for the past two decades.

To mark the 20th anniversary, Councillor Brian Silvester, ward member for Willaston and Rope, travelled to Bischofsheim to present the town’s Mayor with a civic award from the Mayor of Cheshire East, Councillor Roger West.

Clr Silvester, who paid for the trip himself, said: “We are looking forward to the next 20 years of friendship and I am positive that our twinning links will continue as there is a great deal of goodwill on both sides for them to succeed.

“The twinning has resulted in a range of educational, economic and cultural exchanges, including visits between local students, sportsmen and women, choirs, musical bands, firefighters, football clubs, girl guides.

“There is also a link between schools and an annual foreign language course held in Crewe.”

Councillor Silvester initiated the twinning links when he was leader of the Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council in 1990.

Both towns grew out of a railway and car-manufacturing heritage.

In 2009, Crewe and Nantwich became part of the new unitary Cheshire East Council, which has continued to support the link, along with the Crewe and Nantwich Twinning Association.

Clr West, who was represented by Clr Silvester at the anniversary celebration, said after the event: “Cheshire East Council is very pleased to see this friendship flourish as it brings a great deal of benefits to the Borough.

“We are delighted to present a civic award in the form of a framed certificate to show our appreciation.”

The presentation has also marked the on-going friendship between Cheshire East Council and the town of Dzierzoniow in Poland