A DOWN syndrome charity has helped a youngster land his first job.

Northwich-based Down Syndrome Cheshire is in celebration mode after seeing one of its members offered a job.

Joshua Bone, 16, has earned himself a role at Howden, a global insurance broker, following an employment week organised by DSC.

He is the first member that Lucy McLaren, employment and enterprise worker at DSC, has helped to place into work and she couldn’t be more pleased.

“I am so proud of Josh for being successful in getting his first job,” she said.

“It is amazing that Howden has such an inclusive recruitment process and eager in supporting Josh in his new role.”

DSC was founded in 2007 by a group of parents of children with down syndrome who wanted a place to share their experiences.

Based at Denton House, DSC’s community hub features therapy rooms, a family room, a crafts room and an enterprise suite.

The charity offers families support activities, training, holiday clubs, and therapies as well as life and employability skills for its members.

These sessions have clearly paid off for Joshua, who lives with his family in Shavington.

His mother, Tracey Bone, said: “To say I’m proud is an understatement.”